WorksafeBC First Aid Kits are becoming First Aid Kits that meet or exceed CSA Z1220-17 standards. View First Aid Kits that exceed the new CSA Standards.

Zoll AED 3, Fully Automatic

PART NUMBER: 8501-001102-06

Product Specifications

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In Stock: Yes
Part Number: 8501-001102-06

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Product Description

The ZOLL AED 3™ defibrillator will guide you through the process of performing high-quality CPR and will, if needed, deliver a potentially lifesaving shock to the heart. With a ZOLL AED 3 and quick action, tragedy could be averted. ZOLL’s proprietary Real CPR Help® technology helps guide rescuers in performing high-quality CPR, in accordance with the most recent guidelines for depth and rate of compression. The innovative, intuitive design and enhanced features of the ZOLL AED 3 will give unexpected heroes both the confidence and the knowledge needed to treat SCA.

While only 50% of sudden cardiac arrest victims will initially need a shock, nearly all will require CPR to increase the flow of oxygenated blood to the heart and brain. How can rescuers tell if they are providing high-quality CPR? A ZOLL AED 3 device with Real CPR Help lets rescuers know if they are doing compressions at the most effective rate and depth.

The AED’s integrated real-time feedback eliminates guesswork; it provides rescuers with visual and audio prompts to “Push Harder” or will let them know when they are doing “Good Compressions,” keeping rescuers on track to administer high-quality CPR.

AED 3 Documentation